This three-weekend intensive (60 hours) training will provide you with the tools to sequence and teach a 60 minute Hot Sculpt class while empowering you to take your newfound skills off the mat and out into the real world.
PCYC Sculpt is a high intensity, high energy, musically-driven class designed to develop tremendous cardio and strength capacities. But beyond the physical workout, this practice is also a workin. Far beyond the physiological benefits, it’s a mental clearing and emotional release; training your mind to drop your ego at the door, find joy in movement, and leave feeling recharged, invigorated, and closer to yourself.
PCYC instructors Kelley Sandahl and Madeleine Vargas will teach you their techniques behind syncing the beat of music to movement, simple and effective exercises, curating a motivating playlist, and more- all while weaving the key element of yoga’s central mindfulness practices throughout.
This training is centered around practice teaching and experience-based learning, followed by analysis and dynamic group discussions.
Move your body.
Greet the Heat
Find your power.
Dates: April 4-6, May 2-4, June 6-8
Friday 2:30-8, Saturday 12-8, Sunday 10:30-5:30
Cost- 750$